I hope this message finds you and your family well! What strange times we’re dealing with, but I do find comfort knowing that we are in this situation together and that at some point we will be back together again. Like a lot of you, I have had to work through many stressful moments and experienced a roller-coaster of emotions in the past week. Thank goodness for being able to go on nice long walks, music, Facetime, comforting words from my husband, and laughing with my kids to help me along this journey. It’s taken some time and there are still many unknowns, but I do feel like I am working my way to a better place with all of this.
My mindset has recently made a positive shift and I’m now using this time being off of work on focus on my business plans and how to better serve your needs. I have a renewed sense of excitement for what the future will bring out of this current difficult situation. Turning lemons in to lemonade, right? I will be sending out a short survey by email soon to help this process along, so I really look forward to your responses and thanks in advance!
During this time of staying home, are you finding yourself spending more time sitting (maybe binging on Netflix lol) and now your back feels stiff once you pry yourself out of your comfy spot? I get it, we’re not as young as we used to be (ha!), but there are ways to reduce that stiffness until we can have appointments together again.
Here’s a nice set of back mobility exercises from my friends at GD Osteopathy that may be helpful to give a try:
As always, if something hurts or doesn’t feel right, listen to your body and stop the activity.
Even just getting up and moving every 20 minutes to change positions can make a world of difference in dealing with tight muscles or a sore back. Check your posture often and make sure you are supporting your spine in a neutral position (unfortunately, most couches or recliners aren’t always the best at that). Put a small pillow or rolled up towel in the small of your back if needed and make sure you’re scooted all the way to the back of the chair.
For your immune system, try to keep utilizing strategies to reduce your stress, stay hydrated, get proper sleep, and eat whole foods as much as possible. Juice Plus+ is also always there as a helper to bridge the gap to make sure our diets are getting as much whole food nutrition to function at their best. This is something my family has been adding to our diet for many years and because it has been such a game changer for our personal health, I share it with others looking for science-based nutrition support.
For those that are new to Juice Plus+, it’s a large variety of vine-ripened fruits and vegetables that have been juiced, dried at a low temp, and put in a capsule or a chew. Basically it’s the benefit of juicing made easy and you can find more about it online here.
You can also check out the immune system research, what physicians have to say about it, and how kids can eat JP for free. We always hear that there is never something that good nutrition can’t help and I’m definitely a believer in that!
Overall, I wanted to let you know that I’m still thinking of you, wondering how your aches and pains are doing, and also that I’m still here for you even though we can’t be together right now. If you have any questions regarding what to do during this treatment gap, please reach out by email and I will do my best to help. Check out Shine Massage & Bodywork’s Facebook page for some other videos Gina, my office pal, provides for shoulder, neck, and back pain.
At this point in time, my office remains closed as protecting the health of our community remains my top priority. I can’t wait to see you again and I will keep in touch when I’m back in business. Take care and miss you lots!
“We will get by, we will survive”
Peace, Love, & Vegetables,
Dr. Lori