Yes, that’s right! Superior Wellness has moved to a new location! You’ll now visit 123 W. Bayfield St. in Washburn for all of your appointments. Luckily it is just across Hwy 13 from the previous location, so it should be very easy to find as it’s in the very same neighborhood. The building is in between Harbor House Sweets and Frenchie’s Auto Repair.
You can access the clinic either by entering in the front door (about 4 stairs with a railing) or by entering through the back door (more accessible entrance). Feel free to use either entrance and see which one you prefer. Parking is available along the side of the building or in the back of the building (you may park right in front of the back door). Street parking is always an option if available. Outside signage will be happening in the future. There are definitely still some things to update, tweaks to do, and tasks to complete to fully finish all of the spaces, but I am very excited to have a place of my own! A negative right now is the icy parking lot (due to that recent, wild ice storm) and I am working to remedy this as soon as possible, so in the meantime, please exercise caution (walk like a penguin if on an icy patch!!). The sunny, warmer weather today did help in many areas and currently the best, most ice/snow free parking spot in the lot is along the side of the building nearest to the highway. Also, when pulling into the parking lot from Hwy 13, the curb has a moderate sized dip, so I wouldn’t recommend entering/exiting at a high rate of speed lol. There is also alley access to the parking lot from either Washington Ave or 1st Ave W if that works best for you.
The back parking lot & where you’ll find the more accessible entrance, just through the big red door under the awning. When parking here, please just park right up by the building with your front end facing the building or even could pull parallel to the building up to the door – whatever works for you! This picture was taken before things started to melt away and disregard the construction set-up haha.
And you’ll notice an updated logo on the signage.
In the future, this new space at 123 W. Bayfield St. will also house my glassblowing gallery and also have a space available for other people to rent (so let me know if you hear of anyone looking for a great space to rent to join this awesome Washburn business community).
Whew! I think that about does it for the changes. It’s been a lot, but it’s all been good. Some of you remember when Superior Wellness was in my basement, so to say things have come a long way is an understatement lol! I can’t wait to see you all at the new place (schedule an appointment here) and thank you for all of your support! You’re the best!!
Peace, love, & vegetables,
Dr. Lori