Happy New Year from Superior Wellness to the best clients I could ever ask for!
2020 was hard for everyone and I am incredibly thankful for your support. The year brought so many changes and challenges, but I am hopeful 2021 will be a brighter, safer, and healthier year for all of you.
At the clinic, I am still using masks, an air purifier and keeping the treatment room door open for better air circulation, consistent cleaning protocols, and additional spacing in between sessions. I also got the first dose of the covid vaccine on Dec 30th and my final one will be on Jan 27th. The clinic schedule has added a Monday 6:45pm appointment time along with the usual afternoons/evenings on Sundays and evenings on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If you are ever having difficulty finding an appointment on the online schedule, just send me an email ([email protected]) and we can work on finding something to meet your needs.
In between the stress and anxiety of 2020, I was kept busy learning additional fascial counterstrain techniques for the entire body including the joints and spine as well as more advanced anatomy, which has been – nerd alert! – super exciting. This has and will continue to allow me to identify and treat pain with greater effectiveness and is a great addition to work on injury prevention too. My most recent class in December was a 5 day virtual event with over 285 practitioners from 6 countries – it was so amazing and I learned a ton. My husband, son, and daughter were good sports about being my lab partners too. The next 3 years of my education will have a focus on treating complex chronic pain, continuing with the Counterstrain Mastery program (as covid allows), and working towards achieving my PhD in Osteopathic Clinical Sciences (putting yourself through achieving 2 doctorates is totally normal, right? lol). I am truly committed to learning as much as I can to better help you and your family feel their best. So if you haven’t been in the clinic for a while, stop in soon for a session as I’ve likely learned something new!
Fascial Counterstrain is one of the manual techniques and areas of study that I specialize in and it has really continued to grow over the past year, both in number of practitioners and techniques. It is a gentle, relaxing, hands-on technique that alleviates pain and tension by improving the body’s ability to heal and function at its best. Its targeted, whole body system approach uses detailed anatomy and motion testing to find the underlying cause of your pain and dysfunction. Fascial Counterstrain really is the best kept secret in manual therapy, but the Counterstrain Academy is working on improving awareness over the next year, so it hopefully won’t be a secret for much longer! You can learn more about this effective technique and find a practitioner by state/country at counterstrain.com.
Again, I hope that you and your family have been and continue to stay healthy. If you are a covid long-hauler, there are starting to be research findings suggesting that manual therapy can help in regards to your lingering symptoms, so don’t be afraid to reach out. Additional stress and anxiety seem to still be in the cards for a bit for 2021, so keep up with activities that bring you joy, exercise, getting outside, and fueling your body with lots of whole foods.
On a side note, my glassblowing studio is in its final stages of completion and hope to be open for business the spring/summer of 2021. Check out Scarlet Fire Glassworks on Facebook or Instagram to see what else I’ve been up to.