Happy New Year from Superior Wellness!
I hope that you are having a wonderful holiday season! Our family has been able to have lots of laughs, good food, and fun in the snow. I have lately been reflecting on 2019 and feel so incredibly grateful for all of you and your support. Superior Wellness has experienced continued growth and also some changes with a new location. I am personally working on goal setting for 2020 (lots of awesome things in the works!) and wanted to have you join in too, so read on to find out more on what we need to do to get started.
2019 also brought an updated counterstrain.com website and I am currently one of only 8 practitioners in the entire state of Wisconsin at an advanced provider level of Fascial Counterstrain – super exciting! Head over to the counterstrain.com site to check this out and find me under the Clinics & Practitioners tab. There are tons of other great things now on the site including a video on the main page with Tony Robbins (yes, THAT Tony Robbins, the world famous life coach!), who discusses how fascial counterstrain has impacted his life. Here are some of my highlights Tony said after watching:
Counterstrain is one the top 3 things that have made a difference in his life
Belief is not a substitute for experience and that you have to go and experience something to really know what it’s about. Try it (counterstrain) once, and you’ll be hooked
Counterstrain treatment felt like a total transformation and rejuvenation for his body
He felt a difference in his gut, muscles, aerobic capacity – it really can affect it all
The greatest thing about counterstrain is that there is no pain and the release is instant
Counterstrain treatment is the foundation so that all the systems in his body are working to perform at a peak level
It’s one of the greatest secrets out there and wants to get counterstrain out to a mass audience
I really hope you can take a few moments to watch the video too! And then schedule a manual osteopathy appointment at Superior Wellness to experience it for yourself. Keeping your body in balance is so important. It can help with a current issue you are having or help to prevent an injury from occurring in the first place. This winter, a manual osteopathic session is usually just the thing to help out the soreness from shoveling, a jar from a slip on the ice, or to reduce tension from holiday travel. Fascial counterstrain along with nutrition, exercise, proper sleep, and stress management are all of the important pillars of wellness. I encourage you to make self-care a priority for 2020! Hey, that sounds like a great first goal…
Since now we’re back on the subject of goals, maybe as you are looking back at 2019, you found that there were things that you wanted to accomplish but didn’t. Or maybe you want to start off the year with a different direction or have goals in mind, but don’t know how to get started. Together, let’s follow these 5 steps and make some magic happen in 2020:
1. Write Everything Down
Grab yourself a small notepad or diary, make a document or note file in your computer just for goals only. Write 3 actionable goals. You can use varied times, like what you want to accomplish daily, weekly, monthly, or by the end of the year, etc. They may be all towards one larger end goal or each their own. With every goal, write down a plan explaining how you will achieve it. Some people may even want to periodically write their goal on a white board or post-it note where they can see if everyday – can’t miss that! Goal categories to start with include nutrition, fitness, mental health (ex. stress management, making time for things that bring you joy), career, or money/finances.
Here’s an example:
Goal #1: Starting 1/5/20, exercise for at least 15 minutes 4 days per week
-Set a reminder in my phone calendar for the days I will work out (Sun, Mon, Tues, Fri, Sat at 7pm)
-Get yoga mat, free weights set up in a designated workout space
-Download an app to keep track of my performance and progress to aid accountability
Psychology professor Dr. Gail Matthews, at the Dominican University in California, lead a study on goal-setting with nearly 270 participants. The results? You are 42% more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down. So, grab that notebook and let’s go!
2. Tell A Trusted Friend
Take your goals full-on and tell a trusted friend or partner. Much like working out with a buddy, telling someone your goals will create drive, motivation, and accountability. Create a separate group chat just for this purpose. And who knows, maybe you will inspire your friend to set their own goals too!
3. Use The Rule Of Two
Use this method to keep you from failing more than two days in a row. Basically, if you don’t manage to complete your task on one day, make it a priority for the next day. Never, ever miss two days in a row! The better you get at this, the more self-motivation you will generate. That being said, there are life circumstances that may get in the way. In those times, get out your notebook and set a date to restart whatever goal it may be and get back at it!
4. Self-Critique Your Own Goals And Ambitions
It’s possible to critique yourself in a healthy manner. Once every month, take a moment to get out your goal notebook and sit, think, and reflect on where you are going. Are you heading in the direction you want to go? Are the actions steps you have written helping you achieve those goals? Could adding an extra step, simplifying a step, or removing one make achieving your targets easier or more effective
5. Celebrate Your Win
This is key to do every single opportunity you can get. Doesn’t matter how big or small, you must take a moment to feel good about your achievements. Maybe it’s a celebratory GIF on your group chat, ordering yourself that cute thing you’ve been wanting on Etsy forever, or going on a date (your choice!) with your favorite person. It takes 66 days on average go establish a habit, so be patient, it will be worth it!
Wow, what a great year 2020 will be starting off with those 5 steps and manual osteopathy sessions – can’t wait! Some of my personal goals will be related to strengthening/fitness and de-stressing (stress kind of got the best of me in 2019), a glassblowing studio goal (which WILL happen in 2020!!), and a goal on how to start saving for a trip to Patagonia.
If you are looking for more ways to make 2020 even more magical, check out my site for more nutrition information to power your body with plants using Juice Plus+ capsules, chews, or shakes. And as always, kids can eat for free through the Healthy Starts program. Backed by science to provide you with the best farm-fresh nutrition to benefit your body from the inside out.
Hope to see you in Washburn soon!
Peace, Love, & Vegetables,
Dr. Lori